Monday, December 10, 2007


I am 37 weeks, 2 days and counting. Wish this thing came with a timer! It was way easier having just that little bit of notice that we were inducing with Devan. Because my water broke with Kieran and I didn't start having real contractions until hours later, I am anxious about knowing when I am really in labor. I still think it's a boy, although I have been having girl thoughts off and on. I guess we'll know soon. 

In the meantime, we keep making plans like we aren't going to the hospital any day now. Last weekend Neil and I went to a benefit for an Indian Children's charity. Whose outfit hides the belly better? That Sunday we took the kids ice skating. Kieran was way more adventurous than she was last year. Devan wasn't interested in much more than having Neil carry him around the ice. He did get his feet down at one point!

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